Second book of the Saga: Herodotus; Histories Reloaded 2.0.
If you've ever wondered where the vast majority of those ancient stories that talk about mythical heroes and bloody battles, kings and queens, terrible gods and ruthless pharaohs, as well as humble slaves who became emperors, beautiful but treacherous women, witches and sorceresses that you've read a thousand times in books or seen on the big screen comes from, well, the answer is that all or almost all of them come from the inkwell of the great Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus and his famous "Nine Books of History" written two thousand five hundred years ago, in the fifth century B.C.
A series of nine unique and fascinating books that, since then, have accompanied and guided the formation of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ancestors, carrying upon itself the weight of the pillar of the Western Civilization; which is our civilization!!! A series that I now have the honor of presenting to you again in English, written in a modern and fictional edition, which at the same time is very foul-mouthed – since my characters talk, argue, make love and rant exactly as we do today, and is also extremely spicy & mischievous, totally anti-woke, politically incorrect and very funny.
Modern movies such as: The Gods of Egypt or The Mummy - Troy with Brad Pitt in the role of the divine Achilles - Odyssey that tells the adventures of Ulysses, as well as the Walt Disney cartoons Hercules, Joseph King of Dreams and Aladdin, or the legendary movie 300 with Gerard Butler playing the Spartan king Leonidas in the battle of Thermopylae, are just a few examples of what the great historian of Halicarnassus left us written in his own handwriting, or served as inspiration for other authors who came after him to create their works; including, of course, the humble author who is writing this short presentation for you.
In this second book of the series Histories Reloaded 2.0 we will explore, in depth, the Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs seen through the curious eyes of our mythical traveler-adventurer Herodotus, as he saw and lived it 2500 years ago. It will be a fascinating journey for the reader, full of anecdotes and curiosities in which they will discover the secrets of a civilization that, having arrived in this world before all the others, has left us everything or almost everything we know today...
The Crusade of Peter the Hermit
Series: The History of the Eight Crusades - Book 1 of 4
(A5 Format - 370 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
In this dramatic historical moment, in which much of the Western Christian world is experiencing an uncontrolled invasion of millions of Muslim fanatics that has been imposed on us from the above, without even consulting us, we are witnessing, amazed, the destruction of our entire historical, philosophical, moral and social fabric since no one, today, feels safe to leave the house, especially women and girls. Just as we are also witnessing, without saying anything, the destruction of our magnificent architectural heritage, while our Christian churches and cathedrals are burned, looted, and destroyed every day.
However, this war that we are experiencing today is neither new nor unexpected since, 930 years ago, in 1095, even our Christian ancestors of Europe risked being invaded and annihilated by Islam and had to unite, all of them, to defeat it, giving rise to a military and religious movement that was epic and heroic, and known by all as "the Crusades".
This first book in a series of four on the Crusades, begins with the famous "Clermont Proclamation", an ardent public harangue delivered by Pope Urban II in Clermont, France, on the icy night of November 27, 1095, in which the Catholic pontiff invited all Christians in Europe, without distinction, to immediately take up the arms to reconquer the holy city of Jerusalem, and in the meantime also try to stop the Muslim invasion that had already been underway for some time (half of Spain was still in Arab hands).
The book then tells us about the formation, about six months after the proclamation, of the first crusader army under the command of a French friar named Peter the Hermit; we are talking about a "kind of pseudo-army" of forty thousand people, ramshackle and dirty, mostly humble volunteer peasants and a few noble knights who, full of religious ardor and reckless enthusiasm, joined with their wives and children in that holy war declared by the Pope and, on foot, all left for Jerusalem; 4500 km away from France.
We will also see in detail the absurd and useless extermination of more than 20,000 German, Czech and Hungarian Jews, massacred during the long march of this army southwards, by some bands of strongly anti-Semitic German knights, who fled their ranks in May 1096. Subsequently, we will witness the anguished arrival in Constantinople of Peter the Hermit with the army already decimated by desertions, hunger, murders and diseases, and his meeting with the great Byzantine emperor Alexios I.
And finally, we will conclude by telling the reader the details of the last bloody battle fought by these crusaders against the fearsome Seljuk Turkish soldiers of Sultan Kilish Arslan in Civetot, in present-day Turkey, on October 21, 1096.
The Blood of Jerusalem - Volume 1
Series: The History of the Eight Crusades - Book 2 of 4
(A5 Format - 484 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
This second book in the Medieval Saga on the Crusades, entitled The Blood of Jerusalem-Vol. 1, begins right where we had left off the protagonists of the first book; in Constantinople, on Christmas night of December 24, 1096... Only this time encamped under the thousand-year-old walls of that great city, founded some seven hundred years earlier by the great Roman emperor Constantine, are not the forty thousand ragged and poorly organized crusaders of Friar Peter the Hermit, defeated and annihilated at Civetot two months earlier, in October, but this time have arrived in the city to fight against the evil Turkish Muslims, the cream of the European armies.
On this mystical night of the 24th, perhaps the most important date for all of Western Christianity, an imposing army composed of more than eighty thousand professional soldiers well fed, trained and equipped with their shiny silver armoris is preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ; they came here from all corners of Europe, and especially from the various kingdoms, duchies, principalities and counties of France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and England.
Their commanders, whose names from this very moment will rightly enter the history books to be delivered to eternal glory, are called Duke Godfrey of Bouillon, Counts Baldwin of Boulogne, Raymond of Saint-Gilles, Hugh of Vermandois, Robert of Flanders & Robert of Normandy, these two known in battle as the two Roberts, and Count Stephen of Blois.
To all these must be added a man who, very shortly after, would prove to be one of the most important crusader commanders conquering, alone, the city of Antioquia; we are talking about the Italian Prince Bohemond of Taranto and his right-hand man, his very young nephew Tancred of Altavilla.
We will see how on January 1, 1097, the entire Crusade called only fourteen months earlier by Pope Urban II in Clermont, finally sets off from Constantinople towards its first strategic objective, to besiege and conquer the city of Nicaea, now in Turkish hands. By the way, we will see how marching towards this city, the army will come across thousands of decomposed corpses belonging to the first group of Christian crusaders to arrive there two months earlier; the crusaders of Peter the Hermit; Well, the spectacle that is presented to the view of the European troops is absolutely Dantesque, with thousands of men, women and children savagely tortured, raped and sadistically massacred by the Turkish Muslims.
Then, we will experience the fast-paced siege of Nicaea, plagued by betrayals by Byzantine allies to the detriment of the Christians, and finally we will smell the blood spilled in the battles of Dorylaea and Tarsus. We will then walk south on a harrowing 1182 km (some 734 Miles) march through the hot and inhospitable Anatolian desert in the summer of 1097 with temperatures of +50º Celsius degrees, and where thousands of those Europeans will die sunburned, overcome by exhaustion, hunger and thirst, or disease.
And finally we will get to see the creation of the first Latin, Christian and Catholic state in the Middle East, the County of Edessa, founded, (or perhaps it would be much better to say expropriated from the previous king, the Armenian Theodore), on March 10, 1098 thanks to the skill, cunning and political intrigues of the young Count Baldwin of Boulogne.
The Blood of Jerusalem - Volume 2
Series: The History of the Eight Crusades - Book 3 of 4
(A5 Format - 567 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
In this second part of The Blood of Jerusalem, things begin to get very interesting because all the narrative contained in this new book will take us directly to the long-awaited Crusader conquest of Jerusalem, which took place on the afternoon of July 15, 1099, that is, four years after Pope Urban II declared the crusades open in Clermont, on November 27, 1095.
However, before we get to see, (towards the middle of the book), the walls of Jerusalem give way under the assaults of the Catholic crusaders, we will first have to stop and see the very long siege of Antioch, from October 21, 1097 to June 28, 1098, when, with the necessary complicity of Firuz, a traitorous Armenian who goes over to the Christian side, the assault and the battle that will lead the Normans to conquer Antioch at the hands of their leader, the heroic and courageous Italian prince Bohemond of Taranto (who according to Anna, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexios I, in addition to being heroic and courageous, was also very handsome). As part of this siege, we will see in detail the many terrible battles that were fought there, such as the battles of Saruç, Albara and Saint Simeon, as well as the battles of Harem, the Fortified Bridge and the Lake, until the establishment of the Latin Principality of Antioch by Prince Bohemond of Taranto, at the end of June 1098.
From here, we will go through some truly incredible but totally true magical and mystical events, such as the alleged discovery, in a church in Antioch, of the Holy Spear of Jesus Christ, the same weapon that the Roman centurion Longinus would have used, according to the Bible, to pierce Jesus side when Christ was dying on the cross. A devastating earthquake will also arrive on Antioch accompanied by the incredible appearance, in the night sky, of a sinister Aurora Borealis (a truly strange and incredible fact given the warm and southern latitude in which Antioch is located). We will then also see the tragic trial by fire to which the discoverer of the Holy Spear of Christ, the Provençal mystical monk Peter Bartholomew, agrees to submit to silence the accusations of fraud and prove to everyone that that miraculous spear he discovered was the real one (spoiler, that day the good Lord must have been very busy because he did not come down to Earth to pull him out of that tunnel of fire).
Finally, already in the summer of 1099, during the Crusader siege of Jerusalem, we will come across the mysterious hermit of the Mount of Olives, a very old ascetic prophet, with his face adorned with a huge and very long white beard, who lived secluded in a cave on top of the mountain, and who was said to be 900 years old like the prophet Methuselah. And to make matters worse, according to the villagers, the millennial grandfather was able to cast curses and make prophecies that always came true...
And finally, we will witness the Crusader conquest of the Holy City, achieved through a hallucinatory and frightening massacre of its civilian population, since even the French historian Raymond of Aguilers, a direct eyewitness of the events, says that after the fight there were so many corpses in the city that it was necessary to burn them all on funeral pyres as high as mountains.
Immediately after, we will witness the creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by Duke Godfrey of Bouillon, elected by the Council of War as the first king of the city, on July 15, 1099, with the only fierce opposition of the very ambitious and very envious Count Raymond of Saint Gilles who, for a long time, had dreamed of being the one who would finally wear that crown of king. Perhaps it is also for this reason that Godfrey, once elected, never wanted to be called king, but only "Advocate Defender of the Holy Sepulchre of Christ".
The Dawn of the Templars
Series: The History of the Eight Crusades - Book 4 of 4
(A5 Format - 480 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
In the spring of 1104, the future founder of the Order of the Knights Templar, Hugh of Payns, at the age of 30, arrived for the first time in the Mediterranean port of Jaffa, in present-day Israel, in the company of his inseparable cousin Count Hugh I of Champagne.
The two Hughes have come together to the Holy Land to fulfill the sacred duty of pilgrimage to the city of Jerusalem, the city where a thousand year earlier Jesus Christ had lived, worked his miracles (and murdered), whose body lay buried right there, in the crypt of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It is easy to imagine the immense emotional charge that such a mystical journey full of extreme religiosity must have had for our medieval ancestors; for, upon arriving there, those pilgrims would come face to face with the coffin of Christ himself.
However, to leave from the relative safety offered by their fiefdom in Champagne, and all of Europe in general, to reach a Middle East plagued then (as now) by gangs of Muslim looters, kidnappers, rapists and murderers, entailed immense dangers and a very high probability of being killed on the dusty road that led from the port to the city.
It was precisely this reason that led Hugh of Payns and nine other knights, all of them French, to create the Religious and Military Order of the Knights Templar, whose initial task was to escort and protect European pilgrims arriving in the Holy Land, to later become an effective war machine of soldier monks in the service of Christianity. But all this would happen a little later...
For now we will return with our eyes set on the bustling port of Jaffa, which is now called Tel-Aviv; for there, standing in the marshes, accompanied by all his retinue, is waiting to receive them another of his cousins, an old acquaintance of ours, the astute Count Baldwin I of Boulogne, who is now the new and flamboyant king of Jerusalem. Well, it turns out that four years earlier, in 1100, Baldwin had been crowned as the new king of Jerusalem succeeding his brother Godfrey of Bouillon, who died in unclear circumstances along with his friend Guarnerio de Grez, being probably poisoned by the assassins of the fearsome Shiite sect of the Hashshashin, the Assassins.
We will therefore review the entire history of the election of the Duke of Lorraine Godfrey of Bouillon as the first King of Jerusalem and the creation by him of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. In fact, in the midst of the immense chaos that followed the battle to conquer the city, Godfrey was elected King by the Crusader Council of War, on July 15, 1099, with the only fierce opposition of the very ambitious and very envious Count of Toulouse, Raymond of Saint Gilles, who, for a long time, had dreamed of being the one to wear that crown. However, Godfrey, a very religious man, once elected, never wanted to be called king, but only Advocate for the defense of the Holy Sepulchre of Christ; for the Duke of Lorraine affirmed that "he could never wear a crown of gold in the same place where Jesus Christ had worn one of thorns...".
We will also see the election, somewhat hasty and irregular, of the French religious Arnulf Malecorne de Chocques as the first Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, (that is, Bishop) who will soon be replaced by the ultra-corrupt, ambitious, thief and womanizing Italian bishop Dagobert of Pisa as the new Patriarch.
Then we will go back to the battlefield in the terrible Battle of the Beach of Ashkelon where the Christians, outnumbered 1 to 10, also defeated the Muslims of the Grand Vizier al-Afdal Shahanshah, and we will finish with the Battles of Montgisard and the Fountain of Cresson, and, above all, with the famous Battle of the Horns of Hattin where Sultan Saladin himself, he will be head the evil Count Reynald of Châtillon in front of the astonished and horrified gaze of his king, Guy of Lusignan, also taken prisoner by the Muslim after the combat.
The Book of the Muse Clio
Series: Herodotus; Histories Reloaded 2.0 - Book 1 of 9
(A5 Format - 451 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
This new book, the first in a historical series dedicated to the updating and modernization of the famous "Nine Books of History", written by the great Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus in the fifth century B.C., covers from the kidnapping of the princesses Io of Argos, Europa of Tyre and Medea of Georgia, which were the first cause of the enmity that had, since them, existed between Greeks and Persians, an enmity that will soon degenerate into an incalculable number of wars, until the escape (at that moment passed off as an abduction) of the beautiful but unfaithful queen Helen of Sparta with the young Trojan prince Paris; a fact that, as we all know, will cause the outbreak of the terrible War of Troy and the destruction by the Greeks of Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus, Patroclus and Menelaus of that great city located in present-day Turkey.
Next, we will go through the strange conquest of the throne and power in the kingdom of Lydia, a conquest carried out by a humble and simple soldier named Gyges, who, with the complicity of his perverse lover, the queen Nyssia, will stab to death in bed the legitimate king Candaules, (a sexual depraved man of antiquity who loved to show his wife naked to other men). We will also see how the new king Gyges, a ruthless and cunning young man, will manage to maintain and consolidate the entire kingdom by even marrying the beautiful wife of the deceased, the same woman who had helped him betray and kill the old king.
We will then see the victory of the Persian king Cyrus the Great over the extraordinarily rich, capricious, and multimillionaire king Croesus of Lydia. We will also discover how this same king Cyrus - whose maternal grandfather, King Astyages of Media tried to kill when he was a newborn, and who was said to have been rescued, suckled and raised by a she-wolf like the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus - will rise to power in Persia, managing to defeat in battle the same one who had tried to assassinate him, his grandfather, thus also conquering the entire kingdom of Media.
We will also witness how our Cyrus will conquer the mythical city of Babylon and all of Assyria, (returning, in the year 539 B.C., freedom to the Jews of Israel who had been captive for sixty years in Babylon). And finally we will also see how, not content with having already created an immense empire, Cyrus will try to subdue the savage people of the Massagetae of the Caspian Sea, an attempt that will cost the life of the Persian king, who, defeated and mercilessly beheaded by the massagets queen Tomiris, will find his severed head submerged in a wineskin full of his blood.
The Book of the Muse Euterpe
Series: Herodotus; Histories Reloaded 2.0 - Book 2 of 9
(A5 Format - 364 Pages - Available in English, Spanish and Italian)
If you've ever wondered where the vast majority of those ancient stories that talk about mythical heroes and bloody battles, kings and queens, terrible gods and ruthless pharaohs, as well as humble slaves who became emperors, beautiful but treacherous women, witches and sorceresses that you've read a thousand times in books or seen on the big screen comes from, well, the answer is that all or almost all of them come from the inkwell of the great Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus and his famous "Nine Books of History" written two thousand five hundred years ago, in the fifth century B.C.
A series of nine unique and fascinating books that, since then, have accompanied and guided the formation of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and ancestors, carrying upon itself the weight of the pillar of the Western Civilization; which is our civilization!!! A series that I now have the honor of presenting to you again in English, written in a modern and fictional edition, which at the same time is very foul-mouthed – since my characters talk, argue, make love and rant exactly as we do today, and is also extremely spicy & mischievous, totally anti-woke, politically incorrect and very funny.
Modern movies such as: The Gods of Egypt or The Mummy - Troy with Brad Pitt in the role of the divine Achilles - Odyssey that tells the adventures of Ulysses, as well as the Walt Disney cartoons Hercules, Joseph King of Dreams and Aladdin, or the legendary movie 300 with Gerard Butler playing the Spartan king Leonidas in the battle of Thermopylae, are just a few examples of what the great historian of Halicarnassus left us written in his own handwriting, or served as inspiration for other authors who came after him to create their works; including, of course, the humble author who is writing this short presentation for you.
In this second book of the series Histories Reloaded 2.0 we will explore, in depth, the Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs seen through the curious eyes of our mythical traveler-adventurer Herodotus, as he saw and lived it 2500 years ago. It will be a fascinating journey for the reader, full of anecdotes and curiosities in which they will discover the secrets of a civilization that, having arrived in this world before all the others, has left us everything or almost everything we know today...
And in the midst of all this, in my six books you will also find love, betrayal, eroticism, friendship, deceit and savage battles that go hand in hand with cunning alliances, satanic sects, rituals & black magic, cruel murders and much, much more. The times of the Ancient Egypt, Persia & Greece and the epic times of the Medieval Crusades as you had never been told...
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